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Puppy-mother acoustic communication in dogs

Maternal care in a litter-rearing
species relies on a dual assessment of offspring identity
and condition

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Latest releases

ENES Symposium 2024 :  Thursday  13 of June

last year's program

click to download the program here

Date : Thursday, April 27, 9.30h-17.30h
Location: Université Jean Monnet Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Bâtiment J (STAPS) Amphi J108, 23 rue Paul Michelon, 42023 Saint-Etienne

Did you know that we can perceive distress in human baby cries and puppy whines, that crocodiles navigate their environment using sound, and that comparing humans to other great apes informs us about language evolution? Learn this and more at the ENES Symposium, featuring short research talks (in english) by faculty and students. 
Contact the organiser:

September 13, 2021

Opening of the International Master of Bioacoustics

ENES Friday Seminar Series

Every Friday, 12:30 pm
Click HERE to download the preliminary program
Click HERE to join us online!

ENES Symposium

March 30, 2021 / 9:30 am
Click HERE to download the program
Click HERE to join us online!

Bioacoustics Winter School

January 4-15, 2021

Talk by Masayo Soma

Hokkaido University, Japan

November 06, 2020 / 12:30 pm
ENES meeting room

Talk by Julia Fisher

University of Goettingen, Germany

October 16, 2020 / 12:30 pm
ENES meeting room

Talk by Elodie Ey & Fabrice de Chaumont

Institut Pasteur, France

October 9, 2020 / 12:30 pm
ENES meeting room

Talk by François-Xavier Dechaume-Moncharmont

University of Lyon, France

September 4, 2020 / 12:30 pm
ENES meeting room

Registration open for the 2021 Bioacoustics Winter School

January 4-15, 2021
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques

Talk by Olivier Adam and Isabelle Charrier

on Whale songs

January 14, 2020 / 7:30 pm
Maison de l'Université



The Sounds of Nature.
How and Why Animals Communicate.

Mathevon Nicolas
Princeton University Press



Les animaux parlent
Mathevon Nicolas
2021, HumenSciences



Coding strategies in vertebrate acoustic
Aubin Thierry and Mathevon Nicolas
2020, Springer


Puppy whines mediate maternal behavior in domestic dogs.
Massenet M et al. PNAS, 2024.


Adults learn to identify pain in babies' cries.
Corvin S et al. Current Biology, 2022.


Voice-mediated interactions in a megaherbivore.
Thevenet J et al. Current Biology, 2022.


Rhythm interaction in animal groups: selective attention in communication networks.
Greenfield MD et al. Philosophical Transactions B, 2021.


Synchrony and rhythm interaction: from the brain to behavioural ecology.
Greenfield MD et al. Philosophical Transactions B, 2021.


Efficacy in deceptive vocal exaggeration of human body size.
Pisanski K, Reby D,
Nature Communications, 2021.


Odor discrimination in terrestrial and aquatic environments in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) living in captivity. Brochon et al, 2021. Physiology & Behavior, in press.


The genesis of giants: Behavioural ontogeny of male northern elephant seals.
Casey C, Charrier I, Mathevon N, Nasr C, Forman P, Reichmuth C, 2020.
Animal Behaviour, 166, 247-259.


Crocodiles use both interaural level differences and interaural time differences to locate a sound source.
Papet L, Raymond M, Boyer N, Mathevon N, Grimault N.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148, EL307


Evolution of communication signals and information during species radiation.
Garcia M, Theunissen F, Sèbe F, Clavel J, Ravignani A, Marin-Cudraz T, Fuchs J, Mathevon N,  
Nature Communications 11, 4970


The reliability of individual vocal signature varies across the bonobo's graded repertoire.
Keenan S, Mathevon N, Stevens JM, Nicolè F, Zuberbühler K, Guéry JP, Levréro F
Animal Behaviour 169, 9-21


Foraging postures are a potential communicative signal in female bonobos.
Demuru E, Pellegrino F, Dediu D, Levréro F
Scientific Reports 10, 15431.


Context-related variation in the peripartum vocalisations and phonatory behaviours of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows.
Green A, Clark CEF, Lomax S, Favaro L, Reby D
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 231,105089.

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